Search tools



Great new kid on the search engine block with a smart and effective link association feature which will appeal to many. They have a kid's version too which will please parents.


Widely regarded as the No1 search engine. Now features ads so beware - the top listings and right of the page links may not be all they seem.




An excellent crawler-based search engine. Provides comprehensive coverage of the web and outstanding relevancy. If you tried Google and didn't find it, this should probably be next on your list. For some it's already the first stop.




Previously called Vivisimo. They need a better PR manager but do have a different type of search engine which is getting good reviews




For those who just like to ask questions in plain English. A lot of effort made here to make the answers similarly clear but they don't always come out that way. merged a while ago with the excellent Teoma, and using developments of their code.



BBC on-line

Vast, absolutely vast range of resources behind all the obvious TV and Radio stuff. Maybe not everyone's first thought as a 'search engine' but a search of the site may well prove worthwhile.




This is exactly what the web should be: links galore!!

Not a serach engine but a superb bookmark collection web tool which can make finding pages others find useful a whole lot simpler. You should also check out technorati and wink for variants on the theme.



If you need a really good photo and a decent-size one then forget Google and go to Stock.Xchng, or the excellent morguefile. To search other people's Flickr is excellent too. The link from Images above takes you to the amazing Internet Archives of moving images (and much more).


BT Directory

The familiar 192 service but much improved on-line. You only need parts of names or places and get the address too


BUBL UK: Newspapers

The description of this site as 'a directory of UK organisations and institutions' somehow doesn't seem to do justice to this site's impressive coverage. You want information. This site will help you find it. The link below takes you to one of the more useful sections: a listing of all our newspapers with direct links to their own sites.



The Internet Public Library

The Internet Public Library is a public service organization and a learning/teaching environment at the University of Michigan School of Information.



This site has brilliant weather statistics from all over the world.

Click for Astcote, Northants, UK Forecast

Current time and temperature where I live.